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- /*
- =========================================================
- == TO COMPILE : CC FILE.C +L -S ==
- == TO LINK : LN FILE.O +LC32 (It's not main body) ==
- == ==
- == ©1993 by Savel soft inc. ==
- == ==
- == ==
- == Rockford & Boulder Dash is © by First Star soft. ==
- ========Cia BOULDER-DASH Grafinis modulis================
- */
- #include "INCLUDE:stdio.h"
- #include "INCLUDE:exec/types.h"
- #include "INCLUDE:devices/audio.h"
- #include "INCLUDE:graphics/gfx.h"
- #include "INCLUDE:graphics/copper.h"
- #include "INCLUDE:graphics/view.h"
- #include "INCLUDE:graphics/rastport.h"
- #include "INCLUDE:graphics/gels.h"
- #include "INCLUDE:graphics/regions.h"
- #include "INCLUDE:graphics/clip.h"
- #include "INCLUDE:graphics/sprite.h"
- #include "INCLUDE:exec/exec.h"
- #include "INCLUDE:graphics/text.h"
- #include "INCLUDE:graphics/gfxbase.h"
- #include "INCLUDE:graphics/gfxmacros.h"
- #include "INCLUDE:hardware/dmabits.h"
- #include "INCLUDE:hardware/custom.h"
- #include "INCLUDE:exec/memory.h"
- #include "INCLUDE:intuition/intuition.h"
- #define e(x,y) ek[y*30+x]
- #define k(x,y) kk[y*30+x]
- #define DEPTH 3L
- #define WIDTH 800L
- #define HEIGHT 256L
- #define VPWIDTH 640L
- #define VPHEIGHT 256L
- #define NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY -1000
- STATIC UBYTE ek[430];
- STATIC UBYTE kk[430];
- STATIC UBYTE Adzin,Abum;
- SHORT galima();
- LONG hsefektai();
- /* ------ cia prasideda displejus ----- */
- struct View view;
- struct ViewPort viewport;
- struct ColorMap *cm;
- struct RasInfo rasinfo;
- struct BitMap bitmap;
- struct RastPort rastport;
- extern struct ColorMap *GetColorMap();
- struct GfxBase *GfxBase;
- struct View *oldview;
- USHORT colortable[]={
- 0x000,0xfff,0x44e,0x0c1,
- 0x999,0x445,0x999,0xd10,
- 0x356,0x55f,0x888,0xc57,
- 0x115,0x023,0xf00,0x209,
- 0x127,0x213,0x209,0x15f,
- 0x190,0x088,0x090,0xf22,
- 0x333,0x444,0x555,0x666,
- 0x777,0x888,0x999,0xaaa,
- 0 };
- UWORD *colorpalette;
- pasiruosk()
- {
- LONG i,n;
- UBYTE *displaymem;
- GfxBase=(struct GfxBase *)OpenLibrary("graphics.library",0L);
- if (GfxBase==NULL) exit(100);
- oldview=GfxBase->ActiView;
- InitView(&view);
- InitVPort(&viewport);
- view.ViewPort = &viewport;
- view.Modes =HIRES;
- InitBitMap(&bitmap,DEPTH,WIDTH,HEIGHT);
- InitRastPort(&rastport);
- rastport.BitMap = &bitmap;
- rasinfo.BitMap = &bitmap;
- rasinfo.RxOffset = 20; /* Kad nesimatytu pvz. */
- rasinfo.RyOffset = 0;
- rasinfo.Next = NULL;
- viewport.DWidth = VPWIDTH;
- viewport.DHeight = VPHEIGHT;
- viewport.RasInfo = &rasinfo;
- viewport.DyOffset = 0;
- viewport.DxOffset = 0;
- viewport.Modes =HIRES; /* DUALPF , PFBA , HIRES , LACE , HAM ,SPRITES*/
- cm = GetColorMap(32L);
- if (cm == NULL) { exit(100); }
- colorpalette = (UWORD *)cm->ColorTable;
- for(i=0;i<32;i++) { *colorpalette++ = colortable[i]; }
- viewport.ColorMap = cm;
- for(i=0; i<DEPTH;i++) {
- bitmap.Planes[i] = (PLANEPTR) AllocRaster(WIDTH,HEIGHT);
- }
- MakeVPort(&view,&viewport);
- MrgCop(&view);
- LoadView(&view);
- }
- PrntI(x,y,n)
- SHORT x,y,n;
- {
- ClipBlit(&rastport,(long)42,(long)n*10L,&rastport,x,y,(long)10,(long)10,(long)0xC0);
- }
- Prnt(x,y,n)
- USHORT x,y,n;
- {
- if(n>999){ return; }
- a=n/100; PrntI(x,y,a); n-=a*100; a=n/10; PrntI(x+10,y,a);
- n-=a*10; PrntI(x+20,y,n);
- }
- PrntL(x,y,n)
- USHORT x,y;
- ULONG n;
- {
- ULONG a;
- a=n/1000; Prnt(x,y,a); n-=a*1000; Prnt(x+30,y,n);
- }
- hide()
- {
- LONG x,y,n,i=0;
- Audiodzin();
- for(n=0;n<7;n++)
- { for(x=0;x<30;x++)
- { for(y=0;y<13;y++)
- { if(galima(47) && e(x,y)!=7) { e(x,y)=7;
- ClipBlit(&rastport,(long)0,(long)140,&rastport,(long)x*20L+63L,(long)y*19,(long)20,(long)19,(long)0xC0); }
- i=hsefektai(i);
- } } }
- for(x=0;x<30;x++) { for(y=0;y<13;y++) {
- if(e(x,y)!=7) { set(x,y,7);
- i=hsefektai(i);
- } } } Audiopip(0);
- }
- LONG hsefektai(i)
- LONG i;
- {
- Audiodzin2(i);
- i++;
- if(i==30) {i=0;}
- return(i);
- }
- show()
- {
- LONG x,y,n,xx,yy,zz,i=0;
- for(y=0; y<13; y++)
- {
- for(x=0; x<30; x++)
- { ClipBlit(&rastport,(long)0,(long)140,&rastport,(long)x*20L+63L,(long)y*19,(long)20,(long)19,(long)0xC0); }
- }
- for(xx=0;xx<390;xx++) {kk[xx]=11; }
- Audiodzin();
- for(xx=0;xx<6;xx++)
- {
- for(x=0;x<30;x++)
- {
- for(y=0;y<13;y++)
- {
- if(k(x,y)>10)
- {
- if(galima((short)53)) {
- i=hsefektai(i);
- set(x,y,e(x,y)); if(e(x,y)==9)
- { set(x,y,7); e(x,y)=9; }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for(x=0;x<30;x++)
- {
- for(y=0;y<13;y++)
- {
- if(k(x,y)>10) {
- i=hsefektai(i);
- set(x,y,e(x,y)); if(e(x,y)==9)
- { set(x,y,7); e(x,y)=9; }
- }
- }
- } Audiopip(0);
- } /* END of SHOW */
- set(x,y,n)
- LONG x,y,n;
- {
- LONG xx;
- k(x,y)=0;
- e(x,y)=n;
- if(n>14) {
- if(n==15){n=8;}
- if(n==16){n=6;}
- if(n==17){n=11;}
- if(n==20){n=10;}
- }
- xx=63L+x*20L;
- if(n<12)
- ClipBlit(&rastport,(long)0,(long)n*20,&rastport,(long)xx,(long)y*19,(long)20,(long)19,(long)0xc0);
- else
- {
- ClipBlit(&rastport,(long)21,(long)20L*(n-12),&rastport,(long)xx,(long)y*19,(long)20,(long)19,(long)0xc0);}
- }
- /* END of SET */
- Makegraphics()
- {
- LONG n,a,b;
- SetAPen(&rastport,4L); RectFill(&rastport,0L,100L,20L,103L);
- RectFill(&rastport,0L,115L,20L,119L);
- SetAPen(&rastport,3L); RectFill(&rastport,0L,104L,20L,107L);
- RectFill(&rastport,0L,112L,20L,114L);
- SetAPen(&rastport,2L); RectFill(&rastport,0L,108L,20L,111L);
- SetAPen(&rastport,0L);
- for(n=0;n<20;n++) {Move(&rastport,n,99L); Draw(&rastport,20L-n,120L); }
- /* Supaprastintas drugelis */
- SetAPen(&rastport,1L); RectFill(&rastport,21L,20L,41L,39L);
- SetAPen(&rastport,0L); plot(21,26); Draw(&rastport,42L,26L);
- plot(21,32); Draw(&rastport,42L,32L);
- plot(21,39); Draw(&rastport,42L,39L);
- /* judancios sienos variantas */
- SetAPen(&rastport,5L);
- for(n=8;n>0;n--) { DrawEllipse(&rastport,30L,49L,n,n); }
- SetAPen(&rastport,6L);
- DrawEllipse(&rastport,30L,49L,9L,8L);
- plot(30,43); plot(30,44); plot(33,46); plot(36,48);
- SetAPen(&rastport,7L); plot(29,57); plot(30,56);
- plot(32,56); plot(34,55);
- /* BOMBA */
- SetAPen(&rastport,1L); RectFill(&rastport,22L,121L,41L,130L);
- SetAPen(&rastport,6L); plot(26,132); plot(27,133);
- plot(28,134); plot(29,135); /* Akmenu generat. */
- SetAPen(&rastport,2L); RectFill(&rastport,28L,145L,35L,157L);
- SetAPen(&rastport,1L); RectFill(&rastport,22L,141L,41L,150L);
- SetAPen(&rastport,0L); plot(22,145); Draw(&rastport,141L,145L);
- /* Bril. generatorius */
- SetAPen(&rastport,7L); RectFill(&rastport,22L,193L,41L,199L);
- SetAPen(&rastport,1L); RectFill(&rastport,23L,194L,40L,198L);
- SetAPen(&rastport,3L); RectFill(&rastport,28L,189L,35L,192L);
- /* Mina */
- SetAPen(&rastport,1L); RectFill(&rastport,31L,226L,32L,236L);
- RectFill(&rastport,25L,230L,35L,231L); SetAPen(&rastport,2L);
- plot(31,230); plot(32,231); SetAPen(&rastport,4L);
- plot(32,230); plot(31,231); /* Juod. skyle. */
- SetAPen(&rastport,6L);
- for(n=8;n>0;n--) { DrawEllipse(&rastport,10L,49L,n,n); }
- SetAPen(&rastport,1L);
- DrawEllipse(&rastport,10L,49L,9L,8L);
- plot(10,43); plot(10,44); plot(13,46); plot(16,48);
- SetAPen(&rastport,5L); plot(9,57); plot(10,56);
- plot(12,56); plot(14,55); /* Akmuo */
- for(n=0;n<9;n++)
- {SetAPen(&rastport,n/2+2);
- Move(&rastport,9-n,60+n);
- Draw(&rastport,n+9,60+n);
- }
- for(n=9;n>0;n--)
- {SetAPen(&rastport,n/2+2);
- Move(&rastport,9-n,79-n);
- Draw(&rastport,n+9,79-n); /* Kristalas */
- }
- SetAPen(&rastport,2L); RectFill(&rastport,1L,81L,20L,99L);
- SetAPen(&rastport,3L); RectFill(&rastport,4L,84L,15L,95L);
- SetAPen(&rastport,4L); RectFill(&rastport,7L,87L,12L,92L); /* Blake */
- SetAPen(&rastport,6L);
- RectFill(&rastport,0L,20L,20L,39L);
- SetAPen(&rastport,0L); Move(&rastport,7L,29L); Draw(&rastport,18L,27L);
- Move(&rastport,8L,23L); Draw(&rastport,20L,21L);
- plot(5,21); plot(13,22); SetAPen(&rastport,1L); plot(16,25);
- plot(19,27); /* Zeme */
- SetAPen(&rastport,1L);
- RectFill(&rastport,0L,159L,20L,179L);
- SetAPen(&rastport,0L);
- Move(&rastport,0L,164L);
- Draw(&rastport,20L,164L);
- Move(&rastport,0L,169L);
- Draw(&rastport,20L,169L);
- Move(&rastport,0L,174L); Draw(&rastport,20L,174L);
- Move(&rastport,0L,178L); Draw(&rastport,20L,178L);
- Move(&rastport,3L,159L); Draw(&rastport,3L,164L);
- Move(&rastport,13L,159L); Draw(&rastport,13L,164L);
- Move(&rastport,8L,164L); Draw(&rastport,8L,169L);
- Move(&rastport,18L,164L); Draw(&rastport,18L,169L);
- Move(&rastport,3L,169L); Draw(&rastport,3L,174L);
- Move(&rastport,13L,169L); Draw(&rastport,13L,174L);
- Move(&rastport,8L,174L); Draw(&rastport,8L,178L);
- Move(&rastport,18L,174L); Draw(&rastport,18L,178L); /* Muras */
- SetAPen(&rastport,6L);
- RectFill(&rastport,1L,141L,20L,159L);
- spot(4,142); spot(4,152); spot(13,142); spot(13,152); /* metAlas */
- SetAPen(&rastport,7L);
- RectFill(&rastport,0L,120L,20L,139L);
- SetAPen(&rastport,0L);
- RectFill(&rastport,3L,123L,7L,127L);
- RectFill(&rastport,13L,132L,16L,134L);
- /* Kvazi Magme */
- SetAPen(&rastport,1L); square(0,180,20,199);
- square(3,183,17,196);
- SetAPen(&rastport,7L); square(1,181,19,198);
- SetAPen(&rastport,3L); square(2,182,18,197);
- SetAPen(&rastport,6L);
- RectFill(&rastport,3L,203L,14L,207L);
- Move(&rastport,6L,208L); Draw(&rastport,11L,208L);
- Move(&rastport,4L,202L); Draw(&rastport,5L,202L);
- Move(&rastport,12L,202L); Draw(&rastport,13L,202L);
- RectFill(&rastport,2L,205L,15L,206L);
- SetAPen(&rastport,1L); Move(&rastport,0L,213L); Draw(&rastport,1L,213L);
- Draw(&rastport,4L,210L); Draw(&rastport,14L,210L); Draw(&rastport,17L,213L);
- Draw(&rastport,18L,213L); RectFill(&rastport,5L,212L,13L,214L);
- RectFill(&rastport,4L,215L,5L,217L); RectFill(&rastport,13L,215L,14L,217L);
- Move(&rastport,2L,217L); Draw(&rastport,3L,217L); Move(&rastport,15L,217L);
- Draw(&rastport,16L,217L); plot(6,211); plot(21,211);
- SetAPen(&rastport,7L); Move(&rastport,6L,213L); Draw(&rastport,11L,213L);
- SetAPen(&rastport,0L); RectFill(&rastport,4L,205L,6L,206L);
- RectFill(&rastport,11L,205L,13L,206L); /* Rockford ® */
- SetAPen(&rastport,1L); Move(&rastport,5L,225L); Draw(&rastport,15L,235L);
- Move(&rastport,7L,233L); Draw(&rastport,13L,225L);
- SetAPen(&rastport,7L); Move(&rastport,7L,226L); Draw(&rastport,13L,227L);
- Move(&rastport,5L,230L); Draw(&rastport,15L,229L);
- SetAPen(&rastport,1L); Move(&rastport,0L,221L); Draw(&rastport,20L,238L);
- Move(&rastport,20L,221L); Draw(&rastport,0,239L); plot(9,229); plot(10,230);
- plot(5,230); plot(15,235); Move(&rastport,9L,223L);
- Draw(&rastport,11L,239L); Draw(&rastport,8L,225L);
- Move(&rastport,0L,231L); Draw(&rastport,20L,229L);
- Draw(&rastport,4L,229L);
- /* Blast ! */
- a=43; b=48;
- SetAPen(&rastport,5L); RectFill(&rastport,42L,0L,62L,250L);
- SetAPen(&rastport,1L); Move(&rastport,a,1L); Draw(&rastport,b,1L);
- Draw(&rastport,b,8L); Draw(&rastport,a,8L); Draw(&rastport,a,1L);
- Move(&rastport,45L,11L); Draw(&rastport,45L,18L); plot(44,12);
- Move(&rastport,a,21L); Draw(&rastport,b,21L);
- Draw(&rastport,b,24L); Draw(&rastport,a,24L);
- Draw(&rastport,a,28L); Draw(&rastport,b,28L);
- Move(&rastport,a,31L); Draw(&rastport,b,31L);
- Draw(&rastport,b,38L); Draw(&rastport,a,38L);
- Move(&rastport,a,34L); Draw(&rastport,b,34L);
- Move(&rastport,a,41L); Draw(&rastport,a,44L);
- Draw(&rastport,b,44L); Move(&rastport,b,41L);
- Draw(&rastport,b,48L);
- Move(&rastport,b,51L); Draw(&rastport,a,51L);
- Draw(&rastport,a,54L); Draw(&rastport,b,54L);
- Draw(&rastport,b,58L); Draw(&rastport,a,58L);
- Move(&rastport,b,61L); Draw(&rastport,a,61L);
- Draw(&rastport,a,68L); Draw(&rastport,b,68L);
- Draw(&rastport,b,64L); Draw(&rastport,a,64L);
- Move(&rastport,a,71L); Draw(&rastport,b,71L);
- Draw(&rastport,b,78L);
- Move(&rastport,a,81L); Draw(&rastport,b,81L);
- Draw(&rastport,b,88L); Draw(&rastport,a,88L);
- Draw(&rastport,a,81L); Move(&rastport,a,84L);
- Draw(&rastport,b,84L);
- Move(&rastport,b,94L); Draw(&rastport,a,94L);
- Draw(&rastport,a,91L); Draw(&rastport,b,91L);
- Draw(&rastport,b,98L); Draw(&rastport,a,98L);
- /* Tai buvo skaiciai nuo 0 iki 9 */
- Move(&rastport,a,101L); Draw(&rastport,a,108L); Draw(&rastport,b,108L);
- Move(&rastport,45L,111L); Draw(&rastport,45L,118L);
- Move(&rastport,a,121L); Draw(&rastport,45L,128L);
- Draw(&rastport,48L,121L);
- Move(&rastport,b,131L); Draw(&rastport,a,131L); Draw(&rastport,a,138L);
- Draw(&rastport,b,138L); Move(&rastport,a,134L); Draw(&rastport,b,134L);
- Move(&rastport,b,141L); Draw(&rastport,a,141L); Draw(&rastport,a,148L);
- Draw(&rastport,b,148L);
- Move(&rastport,a,158L); Draw(&rastport,a,151L); Draw(&rastport,b,151L);
- Draw(&rastport,b,154L); Draw(&rastport,a,154L); Draw(&rastport,b,158L);
- Move(&rastport,a,161L); Draw(&rastport,b,161L); Move(&rastport,45L,161L);
- Draw(&rastport,45L,168L);
- Move(&rastport,a,171L); Draw(&rastport,a,178L); Move(&rastport,b,171L);
- Draw(&rastport,b,178L); Move(&rastport,a,174L); Draw(&rastport,b,174L);
- Move(&rastport,a,184L); Draw(&rastport,b,184L);
- } /* END of Makegraphics */
- square(x,y,x2,y2)
- LONG x,y,x2,y2;
- { Move(&rastport,x,y); Draw(&rastport,x2,y); Draw(&rastport,x2,y2);
- Draw(&rastport,x,y2); Draw(&rastport,x,y); }
- spot(x,y)
- LONG x,y;
- { SetAPen(&rastport,0L); RectFill(&rastport,x,y,x+4L,y+4L);
- SetAPen(&rastport,5L); RectFill(&rastport,x-1L,y-1L,x+3,y+3);
- }
- plot(x,y)
- LONG x,y;
- { Move(&rastport,x,y); Draw(&rastport,x,y); }
- Tekstscreen(xx,yy)
- SHORT xx,yy;
- {
- rasinfo.RxOffset = xx;
- rasinfo.RyOffset = yy;
- MakeVPort(&view,&viewport);
- MrgCop(&view);
- LoadView(&view);
- }
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------*/
- FMemory()
- {
- LONG i;
- LoadView(oldview);
- WaitTOF(); Delay(1);
- for(i=0;i<DEPTH; i++) { if (bitmap.Planes[i] != NULL) {
- FreeRaster(bitmap.Planes[i],WIDTH,HEIGHT);
- }}
- if (cm != NULL) FreeColorMap(cm);
- FreeVPortCopLists(&viewport);
- FreeCprList(view.LOFCprList);
- CloseLibrary(GfxBase);
- return;
- }
- SHORT galima(range)
- short range;
- {
- static int konst;
- short l=0;
- konst+=range;
- if(konst>254) {konst-=254; l=1; }
- return(l);
- }